Abu Dhabi's Industrial Programs

ADLC Program
Energy Support Program

The Energy Support Program (ESP) supports the industrial sector by reducing the electricity and gas tariffs to cover gas Tariffs based on the eligibility criter...

ADLC Program
Industrial Land Rent Program

The Land Rebate Incentive Program is one of Abu Dhabi Industrial Strategy initiatives that seeks to provide an attractive and sustainable eco-system to the indu...

ADLC Program
Golden List

As part of the Abu Dhabi Local Content Program, the Industrial Development Bureau developed the Golden List initiative in collaboration with the Department of G...

ADLC Program
Smart Manufacturing Program

The program aims to accelerate Abu Dhabi’s industrial sector transformation towards industry 4.0 and achieve sustainable growth in the manufacturing sector thr...

ADLC Program
Financial Ecosystem Program

As part of the Emirate’s approach to diversify the economy and in line with the 2030 UAE economic vision, the Industrial Development Bureau developed the Financ...

ADLC Program
Abu Dhabi Local Content Program

The Abu Dhabi Local Content Program (ADLC) aims to direct government spending towards the development of local content in all its components at the local econom...

ADLC Program
Customs exemption

Customs exemption for industrial production line inputs is an exemption from custom duty, which is worth 5%; it is considered a method to encourage the establis...

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